Did you know that if you are thinking about buying a home, there are some things you absolutely must
not do? In this blog, I’m going to go over the 10 commandments of buying a home that you need to follow once you find your dream home. I’ll tell you about everything from changing jobs to cosigning so you know what to avoid once you’re under contract.

The 10 Commandments

These are the 10 commandments you must follow once you’re in escrow to purchase a home. You
wouldn’t believe the stories I’ve heard over the years where buyers have made these crucial mistakes
after they’ve gone into contract with the dream home—and it costs them. So once you go under
contract to purchase a home, do not do any of the following if you ever want to live in that house.
#1: Don’t Change Jobs. Don’t switch careers, become self-employed, or quit your job. This should be
#2: Don’t Buy A Vehicle. Don’t buy a new car, van, or truck—or you might end up living in it down by the
#3: Don’t Run Up Your Credit Cards. You also don’t want to let those accounts fall behind.
#4: Don’t Spend Money. Don’t spend any money you have set aside for closing.
#5: Don’t Omit Debt or Liabilities From The Loan Application. Your lender will find them.
#6: Don’t Make Big Purchases. This one is tempting, but don’t buy furniture or appliances—even if the
payment is deferred until after closing.
#7: Don’t Allow Any Additional Inquiries On Your Credit. This is the rule except if it’s for insurance
#8: Don’t Make Any Large Deposits. Take out any large sums of money or pay off any debts without first
checking with your lender.
#9: Don’t Change Bank Accounts. Simple as that.
#10: Don’t Cosign On A Loan. This applies to anyone no matter what. Be sure to tell your lender if you
are already a cosigner for anyone because that debt goes against you.

Getting Your Dream Home

There you have it: the 10 commandments of buying a home. I hope this information helped. I don’t
want you to be another sad story by breaking one of these commandments once we help you find your
dream home.
Feel free to give me a call and we’ll be sure to give you more information about how to stay safe,
ensuring that we can close on your home once you’ve gotten your offer accepted. Make sure you
subscribe to my channel so you never miss an episode of Naturally NWA, and stay tuned to see what I
feature next!